Warragul Regional College
Warragul Regional College Information
- Address: 55 Burke Street, Warragul, Victoria 3820
- Distance from Melbourne: 100 km
- Principal: Rob Juratowich
- International Student Coordinator: Jenny Nash
- Number of students: 720
- Number of international students: 9
- Gender: Co-ed
- VCE Results
- VCE completion : 98%
- University offers : 53%
- TAFE/VET offers : 20%
Warragul Regional College is located on a large and picturesque campus in Gippsland. We have Learning Teams operating at Years 7, 8 & 9, 10 & 11 and 12 to provide a focused and caring environment and ensure students have supportive relationships with their teachers.
Each team has a Learning Educator and Learning Manager. In 2009 we will offer over 30 VCE subjects including Vocational Educational and Training courses. We have strong links with regional training institutes and employers and the local community.
Languages taught
- Indonesian
- Chinese
Intensive English Language provided
- On-site
Special programs
- Music and performing arts
- Visual arts
- Multimedia and information technology
Popular sports
- Hockey
- Swimming
- Football
- Cricket
- Tennis
Special facilities
- Four modern computer rooms and an internal College network
- Two computer pods for small group and individual work
- An extensive resource centre, incorporating a senior study area
- Senior common rooms
- Flexible Learning centre