University life in Australia is probably very similar to university life in most other developed countries throughout the world, but in many ways is also very different. Your AA Education Agent will be able to help you with any other questions you may have about university life in Australia that will help you have a successful and fulfilling time while you are studying down under.

University Life in Australia

Casual learning and more relaxed dress code

For one, universities in Australia are a lot more casual places to study and work in and the dress code is usually a lot more relaxed than in many European institutions of the same criteria. Australian fashion style is strongly influenced by the temperate environment that is Australian weather throughout the year and most people dress accordingly. Summer fashion style is characterized by loose fitting cool clothes; while jeans, loose jackets and layering are the characteristics of winter. But this laid back attitude does not extend to achieving academic credentials and Australian academic credentials are recognized throughout the world as being of the highest quality.

You have lots of international student peers

There are roughly 300 000 international students who come to study in Australia every year making Australia one of the largest and most respected education providers in the world. Students from 190 countries throughout the world come to Australia to start, develop or finish their academic career. And Australian universities offer courses in most areas of professional employment.

Settling in to a different cultural environment

Like anything it is what you make it, and as much reflects on your attitude to your classmates as their attitude to you. Some people cross cultural boundaries well, others do not. Some people have the ability to move across cultural boundaries with relative ease and other people have a tendency to struggle with making new friends in a different cultural environment. And if you are in this latter category do not worry because it only proves you are a human being.

So, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of culture shock then I encourage you to contact the International Student Office at your university or talk it over with your AA Education Agent who may be able to get you the appropriate assistance that you may require.

Australian universities have two semesters per year

You will find that Australian universities have two semesters per year (some have a third summer semester). And as an international student you will have to attend full time during both terms. That means you will be doing four subjects per semester and if you keep up with the course material you will have finished your bachelor degree in three years with the full 24 subjects completed to achieve this. A diploma will be an extra year and a Masters degree will take another 2 years on top of what you have already have completed. But check with your university to see what their specific requirements are for the successful completion of their courses.

Uni libraries offer you an abundance of educational resources

You will find most of what you need to study effectively in Australian universities through their libraries and the databases that are on line. But, you have to get a student ID card to be able to do this successfully. Most libraries have their own orientation sessions that will teach you how to navigate the databases that you will have to know how to manipulate successfully to complete your coursework on time.
And nowadays many Australian universities have a considerable amount of course work that can be completed electronically. So it is a good thing to have a thorough understanding of how the intranet system that your education provider has set up functions. So you can use it in the most time effective way.

It is probably wise to attend as many orientation sessions that are on offer as you possibly can because you will be allowed to ask questions from people who know what they are talking about instead of hearing it from other students.

Study hard and play hard

Like many university students studying in Australia, you will find that you will have a lot of free time on your hands and you can use this time to get to know the country better or join a cultural group from your own country of origin. And as an international student on a Subclass 500 Student Visa you can work 40 hours per fortnight and full time during semester breaks! But if you have the finances and the opportunity to have a social life then you should.

Australian nightlife is very good and the larger cities on the east coast like Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne have night scenes that hold their own against anything in the USA or Europe.  And most universities in Australia have their own bar that you can have a drink at and many different other associations that you may find interesting and give you an opportunity to make new friends.


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