Safety Bay Senior High School


Safety Bay Senior High School Information

Schools offering access to special programs:

Students wishing to enrol in one of these schools must be participate in one of the special programs:

  • Specialist Soccer Program


About 25km south of Fremantle and 53km south of Perth city centre, Safety Bay lies on the northern shores of Warnbro Sound and enjoys long stretches of some of the best and safest beaches in this part of Western Australia, with long crescents of golden sand, generally gentle surf and clean, clear water.

Warnbro Sound falls within the Shoalwater Bay Marine Park and dolphins, seals - even fairy penguins and sea lions on nearby Penguin Island - all fall under its protection.


The school has the Safety Bay Senior High School Football (soccer) Academy which is a fully accredited elite level Specialist Sports Program that has won numerous awards and State Titles since its inception in 2001.

The school offers a number of Special Programs including: Pathfinders (Academic Extension) Special Computing Dance Mime and Movement, Special Music. Safety Bay has committed to a long term investment in technology with fibre optic cabling connecting over 450 computers to a sophisticated curriculum and administration technology network.

Safety Bay Senior High School has strived to build partnerships across the community to provide a broad range of engaging educational experiences. Through the Kwinana Industrial Education Pact (KIEP) a partnership with local industry and community support, we have had a large increase in the number of students participating in structured work placements, vocational training and TAFE certificate qualifications.

The school has been chosen as part of the Australian Government Quality Teaching Program to work with feeder primary schools and other schools within the district on Instructional Leadership and Cooperative Learning Strategies in the Classroom. Safety Bay will also undergo a re-visioning process as part of the Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievements in Schools (IDEAS) Project. This highly successful program has seen over 300 schools Australia-wide undergo a positive change and revitalisation process that values the outstanding work and professionalism of teaching staff and encourages a cohesive, structured approach to improved curriculum delivery and student learning outcomes.


  • German and Indonesian (Years 8-12)


These Programs are available to international fee paying students. Interested students should contact the school for information about application procedures. Specialist Soccer Program - Students will participate in 240 minutes of practical coaching time during the school week. This time does not impact on the learning program (core subjects) of the students. Coached by highly accredited staff that employ the latest training methods from around the world. We are the only Specialist Soccer Program that offers the students the opportunity to train for two hour blocks, further maximizing their soccer learning.

Students will also supplement this with practice matches, participation in the Champion Schools Soccer Program, club training and weekend matches.

Excellent facilities are provided on and off the field with the development of a purpose built fitness centre. This is used in conjunction with our Exercise Physiology Specialist from Edith Cowan University as part of an elite level strength and conditioning program. We also have an extensive range of Speed, Agility and Quickness (SAQ) equipment. The program was developed in the UK for soccer players and is used by the most elite level clubs in the UK and Europe.

Safety Bay Senior High School students will undergo a full battery of fitness testing each year which will be used to provide player fitness and training profiles. These profiles can be taken with them when they leave the school as part of their own portfolio. Students will be expected to gain an introductory Coaches Level accreditation certificate as part of the Year 11 and 12 Physical Education Studies course. The Safety Bay Soccer
Academy network will provided excellent opportunities for all selected players to benefit from coaching expertise available at the club level and enable the program to provide a coordinated approach that maximises the benefits for the students. All elite boys will be expected to play and train with a local club to continue their progression towards soccer excellence.

The Safety Bay Soccer Academy has already performed extremely well in only five seasons of full competition winning numerous state championships. Soccer Camps are held annually, to develop team work, have fun, promote the Academy in regional areas, and learn life skills.


Safety Bay Senior High School offers intensive English as a Second Language support program.


Safety Bay Senior High School provides a dedicated Student Services Team that includes a Year 8-10 manager, Year 11-12 assistant manager, a school nurse, a school psychologist, Aboriginal Indigenous education officer and a chaplain. The school recognises the importance of addressing student wellbeing and has adopted a proactive approach to ensure all students feel safe in a supportive and inclusive schooling environment.

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