Reynella East High School

Reynella East High School

Reynella East High School Introduction

The school setting at Reynella, a southern suburb of Adelaide, has extensive gardened grounds, sporting and learning facilities, and provides an ideal environment for a focused, well-rounded preparation for life.

We see ourselves as preparing  students of all abilities who are independent and interdependent learners; active citizens; enterprising and prepared to meet the challenges of the future.

School facilities and resources

  • Performing arts centre with dance studio
  • Science centre
  • Three learning communities
  • Beautiful grounds featuring awardwinning gardens
  • Five IBM computer, networked laboratories
  • Outdoor education centre with camping facilities, kayaks and bicycles
  • Library with internet access and large collection of resources
  • Sporting facilities including tennis courts, 1 large oval, hockey and soccer field
  • Gymnasium
  • Year 12 centre with computing facilities

Strong focus areas

  • Environmental Science
  • Technology
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Special interest programs

  • Extensive special sports program featuring basketball, hockey, soccer and korf ball
  • Visual and performing arts program featuring all 5 disciplines of dance, drama, music, visual arts and media
  • Gifted and talented education program
  • International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IBMYP)
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs in hospitality, fashion design and child development


  • Japanese
  • German
  • French

Student support services

  • ESL support
  • International student focus person
  • Careers counsellor
  • Student welfare counsellor
  • Student buddy system
  • School chaplain

Recent school awards and achievements

  • National academic competitions in maths, science, computing, English (several recipients in past years)
  • National Excellence in Teaching Awards
  • Interschool Zone Debating Competition, finalist

Sporting activities

  • Australian rules football, soccer
  • Basketball, korfball
  • Hockey
  • Interschool basketball competitions
  • Surf lifesaving

Co-curricular opportunities

  • Debating
  • Multi-arts school productions
  • Academic competitions
  • School bands and vocal ensemble
  • Robotics

Industry and training partnerships

  • Mitsubishi Australia - Manufacturing Learning Centre program
  • Onkaparinga Institute of TAFE - prevocational TAFE courses

Community alliances

  • Access to community recreation facilities - lawn bowls, golf and volleyball courts

International programs

  • Intensive Secondary English Course
  • High School Program
  • Study Abroad Program
  • Study Tours

Sister school relationships

  • Mishima Senior High School, Japan
  • Valentin-Heider-Gymanasium School, Germany


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