PhD Australia - PhD in Australia - PhD Program Australia

PhD Australia

The highest qualification you can receive in Australian Higher Education. A Doctoral Degree recognises your dedication and contribution in your chosen field. You must have completed your Bachelor Degree and Masters Degree in an Australian University to receive your Doctoral Degree.

A Doctoral Degree is offered in two different formats either as a Research Doctorate or as a Professional Doctorate. Entry into your Research Doctorate will require you to have completed your Masters Degree either as full research or part research. Entry to your Professional Doctorate will require you to have completed your Masters Degree with both course work and research as well as have considerable professional practise experience.

PhD Australia - PhD in Australia - PhD Program Australia

PhD Studies in Australia

PhD Australia - PhD in Australia - PhD Program Australia

Australia Phd Studies - Doctoral Degree (typically 3 years study) in Australia

Australia is a very popular country in which to commence studies. Around 50% of all international students from over 80 different countries are studying at Australian universities. Maste and PhD Students and their dependants can apply for permission to work after their course commences, and are allowed to work full-time whilst the course is running.

During semester breaks, international students are allowed to work full-time. If you are completing a Masters degree or a Doctorate, family members have unrestricted work rights too. To keep a student visa the student must maintain 80% attendance and fulfil all course requirements.

The terms 'University' and 'Degree' are protected in Australia so that only institutions, which meet Australia's rigorous quality assurance processes, are allowed to use these titles. Under the Australian Qualifications Framework, all universities that are registered have approximately 4000 formal agreements with universities around the world. Some Australian universities concentrate on traditional areas of learning, whilst others are more vocational. All combine tuition with research. Qualifications listed on this page are available at Australian universities and at approved higher education providers. Tuition fees vary between AU$9,000 and AU$18,500 per year. Unfortunately, student loans are not available for international students.

We provide multiple programs free of charge for international students, should they appoint us as their agent. Simply submit your application to us. Students receive free of charge information on Australian education institutions. Either select your courses and study locations or ask for more information. Based on this, students will receive a list of institutes that are best suited for them within a short period of time.

Research excellence

Students at Australian universities are taught by academics recognised internationally for quality research. Australian universities are leading producers of new and critical ideas, and are major participants in international research projects and initiatives. Australia has produced six Nobel Prize Laureates in the natural and medical sciences and one for literature. And it remains at the forefront of such challenging fields as biotechnology, solar power, drug design and astrophysics, as well as those enterprises only now beginning to emerge, such as nanotechnology and artificial intelligence.

The Australian Government invested $5.7 billion in universities and other major research organisations in 2000. Through the Backing Australia's Ability initiative, $2.9 billion will be invested over the next five years to fund research that will stimulate economic and scientific innovation. Over $140 million will be spent over the next five years to establish Federation Fellowships. The fellowships aim to recruit world-class researchers to Australia, with up to five of the fellowships each year awarded to high-profile non-Australian researchers from overseas.

More than 25 per cent of international students in Australian universities are enrolled at the postgraduate level. There are 35 special Research Centres and Key Centres of Teaching and Research based at Australian universities undertaking high-level research and providing a diverse range of undergraduate, postgraduate and specialised professional education courses in a variety of fields. Another 63 Cooperative Research Centres which foster joint research between universities and private industry.

Other research organisations supported by the Australian Government include:

  • CSIRO, the national scientific research agency 
    Australian Research Council which administered $210 million in grants for over 1300 research projects in 2000
  • National Health and Medical Research Centre 
    The Department of Industry, Science and Resources website can give you further information on excellence in areas such as science and technology.

Postgraduate research degrees PhD studentships & scholarships

Find a PhD via our education network. With funded PhD studentships and opportunities for self-financed students to study at some of the world's top research universities in Australia.

Postgraduate masters degree courses: - MSc - MA - MBA - LLM - MPhil - MRes - Postdoctoral research posts

Our Postgraduate Forum provides a busy exchange of advice and opinion on PhD study. 

Business schools and Universities in Australia have developed a range of programs covering areas such as management, marketing, commerce, and finance, along with specialist management areas such as sport, health and the media. If you want to study an DBA or Phd Australia can offer a wide variety of options to suit every requirement, with some ranking in amongst the top in the world.

Some postgraduate business programs offering alternatives to GMAT and allowing for distance study MBA online.There are also other options covering study areas such as Information Technology that can be completed as an alternative to more traditional qualifications.

The Doctor of Philosophy program is offered for various disciplines and prepares students for advanced work in research, teaching, and administration. Studies leading to the Ph.D. degree are designed to give the candidate thorough and comprehensive knowledge of his or her professional field, as well as training in research methods. The criteria for granting the degree shall be the candidate's comprehension of the subject matter and a demonstrated ability to perform independent research.

In addition, the candidate must have the ability to express thoughts clearly, both verbally and in written form. The PhD program aims to develop an understanding of your field beyond the Master's degree, with emphasis on the conduct of original research, the production of significant research findings, and the contribution of such findings to public knowledge.

Ph.D. Programs are available in many disciplines, and demonstrate the Student's ability to perform advanced work in the selected field of study. The highlight of the Program is the Doctorial Dissertation, an original work of scholarship, which showcases the Candidate's mastery of the selected discipline, produces significant insights and findings based on original thought and research, and contributes to the advancement of thought and knowledge on a universal scale.

Studies leading to the Ph.D. degree are designed to give the candidate thorough and comprehensive knowledge of his or her professional field, as well as training in research methods. The criteria for granting the degree shall be the candidate's comprehension of the subject matter and a demonstrated ability to perform independent research. In addition, the candidate must have the ability to express thoughts clearly, both verbally and in written form.

The following are requirements for admission to the  PhD Program (additional requirements are specific to your major or filed of study):

  • A brief curriculum vitae that provides an overview of education, work, publication, and other professional activities.
  • A master's degree from a recognized program, or the equivalent.

Additionally, applicants may be required to submit one or more of the following to determine their eligibility.

  • Sufficient references from persons in the professional and academic communities.
  • The Committee on Doctoral Studies may, on occasion, require additional references.
  • At least one example of scholarly research or professional writing in any format (print or electronic).
  • The student should describe fully any published or unpublished research, thesis, contributions to the professional or scholarly literature, and other professional or academic experience relevant to an assessment of his or her capacity to pursue doctoral study successfully.

Doctoral degree: recognises a substantial original contribution in new knowledge or significant and original adaptation, application and interpretation. The doctoral degree comes in two ways:

Research: consists mainly of supervised research. Entry requires a research or part-research Masters degree or an honours degree.
Professional: achieved though coursework and research. Applicants are expected to hold a combined research and coursework Masters degree or an Honours degree. The program requires professional practice experience before or during the course.

Doctoral Degree in Australia

Congratulations if you are considering completing a Doctoral Degree at an Australian University. Also known as a Phd in many other countries, the Doctoral Degree is the highest educational award available for students in Australia.

The Doctoral Degree is awarded to those who have completed their Bachelor Degree and Masters Degree in a specific field as well as having shown considerable dedication, contribution and knowledge in their given field.

This Degree is available in two different formats which will be completed given the format in which you have completed your Masters Degree. These two formats are Research and Professional Doctorate.

The Research format shows your work and contribution within a research based field where as the Professional Doctorate format shows your work and contribution within a Professional environment.

A Doctoral Degree can be completed at most Australian Universities and is a great honour which one should be very proud of.

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