Study at La Trobe University with Go to Australia

Free Enrolment Service for International Students

La Trobe University / CRICOS Code 00115M

Why study at La Trobe University

La Trobe University prides itself on being an internationally recognised leader in the provision of high quality education and training underpinned by a strong research profile.

The University maintains a comprehensive academic profile and the defining features may be summarised as follows:

  • A comprehensive academic profile encompassing professional, vocational, clinical and traditional programs of training, study and research.
  • The pursuit of pure and applied research.
  • Student-focussed learning programs.
  • International exchange and co-operation.
  • The provision of university programs in regional Victoria.
  • Effective links with industry, the professions and local communities.

The key objectives of the University are to be an internationally acknowledged centre for teaching, training, scholarship and research and to prepare students for the various needs and challenges of work and society.


The main campus of La Trobe University in Melbourne is situated in spacious parkland and includes a Wildlife Reserve. This metropolitan campus also houses the main research and teaching faculties of the University, including the Research and Development Park, a world renowned library, multi-media facilities and a hospital including student medical services.

The University also operates a further six campuses in regional Victoria, extending from Mildura in the west through Bendigo, Shepparton, Beechworth and Albury-Wodonga to Mount Buller in the Victorian Alps. The regional campuses are all linked to each other and to the main campus in Melbourne by various ICT facilities, including video-conferencing, thereby ensuring that high quality teaching and research are available throughout the University.

Schools and Departments

  • Aboriginal Studies
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Arts and Planning
  • Arts and Environment
  • Art History
  • Asian Studies and Languages
  • Australian Studies
  • Biochemistry
  • Botany
  • Business (Albury/Wodonga)
  • Business (Bendigo and Mildura)
  • Business (Bundoora)
  • Business and Technology
  • Chemistry
  • Cinema Studies
  • Civil Engineering and Physical Sciences
  • Computer Science and Computer Engineering
  • Comunication, Arts and Critical Enquiry
  • Education
  • Educational Studies
  • Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
  • English
  • Environmental Science
  • Environmental Management and Ecology
  • Electronic Engineering
  • European Studies and Language
  • Gender, Sexuality and Diversity Studies
  • Genetics
  • Graphic Design
  • Greek Studies
  • Health and Environment
  • Hellenic Studies
  • Historical and European Studies
  • History
  • Human Biosciences
  • Human Communication Sciences
  • Human Physiology and Anatomy
  • Italian Studies
  • Latin American Studies
  • Law
  • Linguistics
  • Management (Graduate School)
  • Mathematical and Statistical Science
  • Media Studies
  • Microbiology
  • National Centre for Prosthetics and Orthotics
  • Nursing and Midwifery (Albury/Wodonga)
  • Nursing (Bendigo)
  • Nursing and Midwifery (Bundoora)
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Orthoptics
  • Outdoor Education and Environment
  • Pharmacy
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Physiotherapy
  • Podiatry
  • Politics
  • Psychological Science
  • Public Health
  • Public Health (Bendigo)
  • Social Sciences
  • Social Work and Social Policy (Bundoora)
  • Social Work and Social Policy (Albury/Wodonga)
  • Social Work and Social Policy (Bendigo)
  • Sociology
  • Spanish
  • Theatre and Drama
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Visual Arts and Design
  • Women's Studies
  • Zoology

What Facilities does La Trobe have for International Students?

The International Programs Office (IPO) is the place to be as an international student. This is the main area for international students where they can come for advice, support and information. It is open on Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.

La Trobe University

La Trobe University/CRICOS provider number: 00115M

La Trobe University provides you with:

  • An internationally recognised first class education from the innovative founding institution of the International Network of Universities (INU) which aims for the internationalisation of education
  • Education from award winning teaching staff in world class recognised degrees
  • Experience of studying within a multicultural environment that equips you for success in the global economy
  • The opportunity to network with students from Australia and overseas and form lasting personal and professional relationships
  • The pleasure of living and studying in a major cosmopolitan, multicultural Australian capital or in stimulating and relaxed regional centres steeped in Australian history

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