Kangaroo Inn Area School
Kangaroo Inn Area School
Kangaroo Inn Area School Introduction
School facilities and resources
- Multimedia facilities
- Year 12 centre
- Library with computer suite and large study areas
- Distance education centre
- Modern science laboratories
- Specialist areas for visual arts, technical studies and home economics
- Farm blocks (20 hectares) used to support agricultural program
- Specialist computing suites
- Large school gymnasium
- Sports oval, tennis and basketball courts
Strong focus areas
- Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
- Distance Education
- Enterprise Education
- Agriculture
Special interest programs
- Vocational Education and Training (VET) - programs including multimedia, agriculture, information processing
- Indonesian
- Other languages available by negotiation through the Open Access College
Student support services
- Student welfare manager
- Farm stay arrangements
- Secondary coordinator
- Pathways and careers support person
- Home Group sessions
- Individual student support
- Student wellbeing programs
Recent school awards and achievements
- Teacher of Excellence Awards
- Learning to Learn Program, community award
Sporting activities
- Athletics
- Team sports
- District team sports competitions
- Extensive involvement in one day sporting carnivals
Co-curricular opportunities
- Come Out Festival - youth arts
- National academic competitions in maths, computing and English
Industry and training partnerships
Community alliances
- Wattle Range Council - mobile library visits
International programs
- Study Abroad Program
- Study Tours
Kangaroo Inn Area School is located near Millicent, a major town on the South Coast. The school buildings are set amongst picturesque grounds with natural vegetation and an abundance of wildlife.
Millicent is an important rural centre and has a great feeling of open, green spaces. Students come from surrounding farms and towns which support fishing, farming, tourism and associated industries and are popular lake and beach destinations.
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