Kalamunda Senior High School

Kalamunda Senior High School Information

Kalamunda Senior High School endeavours to develop the intellectual, physical and creative growth of all students, irrespective of age, gender, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, enabling them to fulfil their potential and maximise their participation in society.


Kalamunda Senior High School is set in the hills district of the Perth metropolitan area, 20 minutes east of the city centre. The hills district is surrounded by eucalypt forest and is home to many native plants and animals including kangaroos and possums.


Kalamunda Senior High School has a particular focus on the arts and is a special visual arts school. Art students receive special tuition on Saturdays to enhance their artistic skills and abilities.

The school has an orchestra, numerous ensembles and a choir. Students in music, dance and drama are provided with performance opportunities both locally and internationally. Places at Kalamunda Senior High School are in demand because of the excellent reputation of the school in the arts and academic studies. The school offers an extensive range of courses leading to studies at universities and TAFE colleges.

Students have achieved outstanding academic results over many years which are reflected in annual university entrance examinations. The majority of graduates gain entry to university across the full range of courses or take up places in TAFE courses such as hospitality, tourism, engineering, art and design, childcare and photography.

The school has a radio station, a 250 seat performing arts centre, three large playing fields, tennis and basketball courts, a climbing wall, music practice rooms and a gymnasium. Students have access to computers with email and internet services.

Kalamunda Senior High School has an enviable local and national reputation in mathematics, science and computing competitions. Teams enter interschool competitions in volleyball, athletics, swimming, soccer, cricket, netball, basketball, chess and debating.

Each year Kalamunda students are involved in many hours of volunteer fundraising for a number of charities including the Red Cross, the Cancer Council, the Salvation Army, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and the Glasses for East Timor program. Kalamunda Senior High School offers a welcoming and supportive environment for international students. It has close sister school relationships with schools in Japan and has enrolled students from Japan in its secondary school courses.


Japanese, Indonesian and Italian (Years 8-12)


Provided there are places available, international fee paying students may enter these programs. Interested students should contact the school for information about application procedures.

  • GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) Art (Years 8-12) is a DET-endorsed program and a major focus at Kalamunda. Students come from across the metropolitan area and some country areas to enter the program. In addition to their normal classes students attend specialised tutoring on Saturday mornings. Selection is based on an interview and portfolio.
  • Music (Years 8-12) includes courses for those with a general interest in music as well as specialist instrumental instruction for musically talented students. The students perform as part of the school orchestra, in ensembles or in the choir.
  • Dance (Years 8-12) provides specialist tuition to talented students.
  • Drama (Years 8-12) offers students the opportunity to perform in the purpose built performing arts centre which adjoins the school.
  • Vocational programs (Years 11-12) focus on hospitality and business. Entry is available to all interested students.


International students at Kalamunda Senior High School work with the literacy support teacher and with a language teacher who has training in teaching English as a Second Language.


The pastoral care team looks after the individual needs of students and their families. Students with special needs have case managers who assume responsibility for their ongoing well-being and individual management programs.

The pastoral care team consists of a manager, psychologist, chaplain, nurse and year coordinators. The international student coordinator gives individual support to international students, monitoring their progress and communicating with homestay carers and parents. Kalamunda also has a school volunteer program where community members work with individual students on a range of personal and learning issues.

Students in Year 11 and 12 are offered study skills programs and a number of former students, enrolled in university courses, return to the school to assist students with their studies.

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