Highvale Secondary College

Highvale Secondary College

Highvale Secondary College Information

  • Address: Capital Avenue, Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150
  • Distance from Melbourne: 19 km
  • Principal: Mr Ian Watkins
  • International Student Coordinator: Mrs Abigail Bristow
  • Number of students: 850
  • Number of international students: 45
  • Gender: Co-ed
  • VCE Results
  • VCE completion : 98%
  • University offers : 70%
  • TAFE/VET offers : 29%

Languages taught

  • French
  • German


Intensive English Language provided

  • At nearby English Language Centre


Special programs

  • Extra study support classes
  • Accelerated learning and university enhancement programs
  • National award-winning literacy programs
  • Successful participation in national English, mathematics, computer and science competitions
  • Performing arts program
  • Learning technologies integrated into all areas of the curriculum
  • Wide range of personal development programs that foster self-esteem, leadership, responsibility and initiative
  • Homework club



Popular sports

  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Badminton
  • Athletics
  • Table tennis



Special facilities

  • Modern, well-equipped campus  
  • VCE study centre
  • Fully networked computer facilities
  • Excellent science and technology facilities
  • Exceptional visual arts facilities with computers and a multimedia editing suite


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