Helensvale State High School
Helensvale State High School overview
The school is renowned for its academic, cultural and sports Excellence Programs and has strong links with industry and Tertiary Pathways. The energy that draws us together is the pursuit of our vision - preparing students for the future and providing futures for our students.
3 reasons to choose Helensvale State High School
- Range of opportunities available to students in both academic and vocational pathways
- State of the art facilities in an attractive location
- Supportive, professional staff that cater for individual needs
Curriculum and Facilities
- Range of opportunities available to students in both academic and vocational pathways
- State of the art facilities in an attractive location
- Supportive, professional staff that cater for individual needs
Speciality programmes include Senior Photography, Music Extension, English extension, a range of Certificate I, II, III courses in Horticulture, Business, Technology, and Hospitality, Australian Business Week, Riviera and Multi-media Certificate III.
Helensvale State High School presents a number of unique facilities such as specialised dance room, Performing Arts stage, Learning Centre and Student activity centre, Multipurpose courts, oval and gym, Photography dark room, Industry standard kitchen, Industrial design room and 488 computers in 12 dedicated laboratories.
Unique Aspects and Achievements:
- Excellence in Sport programs
- Excellence in performing Arts and Music programs
- EXSCITE Program for excellence in Science, Maths and IT
- Australian Culinary Federation Champions
- Griffith University Science and Engineering State Super Challenge
- LEEP (Leading Enterprise Education Pilot) Partnerships with local business
Learn more about Helensvale State High and contact our staff now for free information and service.
- Senior Photography
- Music Extension
- English Extension
- A range of Certificate I, II and III courses in Horticulture, business, Technology and Hospitality
- Australian Business Week
- Riviera Enterprise
- Multi-media Certificate III
- Sport and recreation, cheerleading
- Performing Arts, Musical, Drama Festivals, Rock Eisteddfod
- Cultural excursions
- Debating, Public speaking, Science, Maths and Language Competitions
- Annual International Study Tours
- Ski trip
- Senior formal
- Horticultural display at Gold Coast Show
- After school tutorials
- Japanese
- Specialised dance room
- Performing Arts stage
- Learning Centre and Student activity centre
- Multipurpose courts, oval and gym
- Photography dark room
- Industry standard kitchen
- Industrial design room
- 488 computers in 12 dedicated labs
tertiary pathways
- Bond University
- EXSCITE Science
- TAFE (Guest program)
- ABW Entrepreneur of the Year
- Winner - Gold Coast Science Competition
- Aust Vocational Student Prize Award
- Winner of school based Apprentice of the Year
- Â Winner Science & Engineering Super Challenge - Griffith University
other highlights
- Excellence in Sport programs
- Youth Pathways Mentoring program
- Traineeship / Apprenticeship program (Industry Liaison)
- Guest Program - Year 12 student can undertake a subject for 1 Semester at University
- LEEP (Leading Enterprise Education Pilot) - Partnerships with local business
Excellence in Sport Classes
All year levels throughout the year
- Basketball
- Netball
- Tennis
- Touch Football
- Rugby League
- Australian Football (AFL)
- Athletics
NB. Students excelling in sports not offered at the school can be accepted into the athletics program to do individualized training.