Hawthorn Secondary College

Hawthorn Secondary College

Hawthorn Secondary College Information

  • Address: Burgess Street, Hawthorn East, Victoria 3123
  • Distance from Melbourne: 6 km
  • Principal: Lynton Oaten
  • International Student Coordinator: Bob King
  • Number of students: 570
  • Number of international students: 103
  • Gender: Co-ed
  • VCE Results
  • VCE completion : 98%
  • University offers : 44%
  • TAFE/VET offers : 33%

Languages taught

  • Chinese



Intensive English Language provided

  • On-site



Special programs

  • Intensive English Language Program  
  • Multimedia, Sports/Recreation, Hospitality, Information Technology, Small Business, and Engineering VET programs
  • Comprehensive elective program at Years 9 and 10
  • Acceleration programs for talented students
  • University enhancement programs
  • Music program  
  • VCE studies including all mathematics studies



Popular sports

  • Soccer
  • Cricket  
  • Basketball
  • Football



Special facilities

  • English Language Centre, intensive language training for international
  • Excellent computer network
  • Award-winning landscaped grounds
  • Two indoor sports stadiums
  • Soccer and hockey fields
  • Extensive student library facilities
  • Indoor student dining area
  • Applied design centre


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