Gilmore girls school

  • Address: 298 Barkly Street, Footscray, Victoria 3011
  • Distance from Melbourne: 8 km
  • Principal: Ms Bette Prange
  • International Student Coordinator: Mr Peter Walker
  • Number of students: 400
  • Number of international students: 7
  • Gender: Girls only
  • VCE Results
  • VCE completion : 98%
  • University offers : 42%
  • TAFE/VET offers : 39%


Languages taught

Intensive English Language provided
At nearby English Language Centre


Special programs

  • Gilmore runs a four-period day
  • Junior students have fewer teachers and a homeroom
  • Year 10 students spend a week at City school
  • Advance/ Environmental Cadets and Duke of Edinburgh program
  • Homework classes run bi-weekly after school



Popular sports

  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Athletics
  • Badminton



Special facilities

  • A new ICT-rich learning centre for Years 7 and 8
  • Science labs
  • Large library
  • Gymnasium
  • VCE study centre
  • Performing arts system
  • Instrumental music classes


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