Doncaster Secondary College

Doncaster Secondary College

Doncaster Secondary College Information

  • Address: 123 Church Road, Doncaster, Victoria 3108
  • Distance from Melbourne: 15 km (Ref. Map: Page 61 No. 22 )
  • Principal: Mr Frank Sal
  • International Student Coordinator: Ms Ly Chor
  • Number of students: 1320
  • Number of international students: 70
  • Gender: Co-ed
  • VCE Results
  • VCE completion : 99%
  • University offers : 67%
  • TAFE/VET offers : 29%

personal excellence, self-esteem and confidence in students. These values are fostered by a disciplined, safe and caring environment, skilled teaching staff and welfare support.       


Languages taught

  • Chinese
  • French
  • Italian



Intensive English Language provided

  • On-site



Special programs

  • Intensive English Language Centre and specialist ESL programs at all levels
  • Chinese-speaking assistants providing classroom support
  • University enhancement study opportunities
  • Student leadership programs
  • Special interest activities (debating, chess clubs, camps, tours) including focused programs for international students


Popular sports

  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Badminton  
  • Table tennis
  • Tennis



Special facilities

  • Well-maintained amenities and attractive grounds
  • Networked VCE senior study and careers centre
  • Presentation and performance centre
  • Modern science, IT and hospitality facilities
  • Ready access to computers/internett
  • Focus centre for international students
  • The college is currently undergoing a major upgrade. Over $7 million will be spent on upgrading our science, art, music and general teaching areas. There has also been a major upgrade of library facilities


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