Chandler Campus of Keysborough Secondary College

Chandler Campus of Keysborough Secondary College Information

  • Address: 28 Isaac Road, Keysborough, Victoria 3173
  • Distance from Melbourne: 25 km
  • Principal: Mrs Heather Lindsay
  • International Student Coordinator: Mrs Mitze Ho/Geoffrey Anderson
  • Number of students: 498
  • Number of international students: 15
  • Gender: Co-ed
  • VCE Results
  • VCE completion : 96%
  • University offers : 47%
  • TAFE/VET offers : 39%

Chandler, Coomoora, Heatherhill and Springvale Secondary Colleges have combined the resources and teaching power of four schools to bring to our students a wealth of educational opportunities. We are now called Keysborough Secondary College.

We strive for excellence and provide opportunities for all to learn for the future. We offer students a wide range of curriculum choices in a caring, supportive and safe environment.


Languages taught

  • French
  • Chinese



Intensive English Language provided

  • Intensive English Language Centre provided at our Springvale Campus


Special programs

  • Student leadership 
  • Debating
  • Homework club
  • Instrumental music
  • College band
  • Annual music production
  • Lunchtime activities
  • Camps
  • Enhancement in mathematics and English



Popular sports

  • Badminton
  • Soccer
  • Table tennis
  • Basketball



Special facilities

  • Large computer network
  • Access to internet on-site
  • Science facilities
  • Victorian School of Languages on site
  • VCE study area
  • Career advice centre
  • 250-seat theatre
  • Music technology centre
  • Performing arts centre  
  • Gymnasium
  • Large sporting facilities
  • Extensive library

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