Brighton Secondary College
Brighton Secondary College Information
- Address: 120 Marriage Road, East Brighton, Victoria 3187
- Distance from Melbourne: 10 km
- Principal: Julie Podbury
- International Student Coordinator: Linda Ward
- Number of students: 1200
- Number of international students: 85
- Gender: Co-ed
- VCE Results
- VCE completion : 99%
- University offers : 68%
- TAFE/VET offers : 32%
Established in 1955, close to the city and the beach, Brighton Secondary College has a tradition of excellence. Students are offered an outstanding program in a structured, supportive and caring environment.
A broad curriculum offers the students academic studies, creative and performing arts, technology studies, special programs and an extensive sporting program. A broad range of VCE studies is offered as well as vocational studies at senior levels.   Â
Languages taught
- French
- Japanese Â
- Chinese (unit 3 & 4)
Intensive English Language provided
- On-site
Special programs
- Accelerated, enrichment and enhancement programs within the college and with universities
- Extensive ESL
- Instrumental music program including concert and rock bands
- Experienced International Student Manager and coordinators who oversee student welfare Â
- House choral and annual arts and drama festivals
Popular sports
- Hockey
- Tennis
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Badminton
Special facilities
- Up-to-date computer facilities
- Specialist Year 9 facility
- Range of specialist areas including instrumental music and drama
- International student centre Â
- Computer network and internet access
- Sporting facilities include a double court gymnasium, synthetic tennis and hockey courts