Great Ocean Road

Mysticism of the Sea Coast along the Great Ocean Road

Victoria in Australia is a photographer’s delight. Many photo-journalists have extensively toured Australia along the coastline to capture the unspoiled nature. I too, took up such an opportunity to check out the South-West coastline that borders Victoria. Australia in this part has the Great Ocean Road where large parts in the adjoining area are still well-preserved.

The age-old Apostles, ship-wrecked coasts, and legends were quite intriguing. I picked up my camera along with my team to tour Australia in this part and find out why the coast magically attracts people time and again.

The Grand Road along the Coast
The Great Ocean Road is nearly a century old. It was built in the early 20th century by soldiers and unemployed youths. The Road starts from few km from Melbourne city at Geelong, meanders through various towns and villages along the South-East coast, and ends up near the South Australian border – just 12 km from Warnambool. There are cliffs, overwhelming coastline with sea waters gushing in to the land, dunes, and dense forests.

It is possible to travel in a bike. However, I had my bulky photographer’s kit to take care. A four-wheeler vehicle suited me and my fellow team mates. To get the best close-ups, we had to camp at the banks of the Wye and Kennett Rivers. Near the Blanket Bay, the idyllic setting was just right for travelers to relax at the untouched beachfront. I could also see the Otway Ranges overlooking the Bay. To click useful and memorable photos that say thousand words at one go, my team and myself had to camp at Cumberland River Reserve, Bellarine Peninsula, and Lower Glenelg National Park.

Surfing, Trekking, Walking
Although quiet and serene at some places, many spots along the South-West coastline of Victoria in Australia remains populated throughout the year. Some tourists are seen walking the Great Ocean Road, while some surf. Fishermen are seen working on the beach with their nets while some sail on catamarans during the day. The spots, such as Point Lonsdale, Point Danger, Bells Beach, Lorne, Torquay, and Apollo Bay are just right for surfers. I took a day off to pursue my dream hobby which I otherwise did not have the time to indulge. Four of my friends joined the trekker’s camp to trek the Otway Range.

Apollo Bay and the “Ship-wreck Coast”
There are areas in Great Coast Road, which remains mostly isolated. The high cliffs and dense forests perhaps deter the people to saunter in these areas. There are quite a number of legends that have been going around among the locals. Many shipwrecks in the Port Fairy coast and Moonlight coast have made the area eerie. The Apollo Bay nearby offers a great view to the Twelve Apostles.

We enjoyed the Great Ocean Road thoroughly and witnessed the idyllic aura along the coastline. Sometimes chilly winds blew from the ocean. So, if you are planning to hike the coastline trail here, be sure to keep at least a fortnight’s timeline with you for the walk. Don’t forget to pack the right objects for backpacking in this area.

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